Tailored Professional Development

Practical, interactive, and future-ready skills development for teams and leaders. Since 2003. For 2022+

Distractions, Procrastination, Overwhelm, Uncertainty, Over-yessing?

Let’s get real about today’s challenges. You CAN boost your focus, energy and action skills, to follow-through on what matters to YOU in your days. And in a principles-driven way that strengthens relationships and empowers you.

Fill those gaps in your time, project and people skills. Invest in yourself today. It’s your time.

Our e-coaching program is a series of practical tips, exercises and inspiring talks that can help you improve YOUR relationship with time.

Take Back Your Time.

3 masterclasses for the price of 1! Our full program at a third of the price. Click here!


Rose Hastreiter

Founder | Facilitator | Speaker | PMP | Advisor

Known for her interactive, practical, and fun style of facilitation, Rose has directly taught over 25,000+ students - and that’s not counting her online audience. Actively involved in her leadership roles, she brings back relevant and real-world relevant tactics to her workshops- so that you can benefit.

“I created Redefining to quickly boost your time skills, while getting out of “busy-busy” mindsets and into a calibrated, focused, and calmer approach to following-through. And in a human-centric way that creates more real-world value for everyone involved.” - RH


“Rose is a very passionate and a thoughtful leader who connects very well with her audience. I really like the clarity in her thoughts, ability to respond with logic, and make things easy to comprehend. I definitely recommend everyone to grab the opportunity to attend her workshops. Even after spending two years in a B-school, I would say her workshop was extremely insightful.”

– Leadership Development Program Associate - RBC


News & Annoucements

The 5 Elements

Are you tired of running into the same bumps that slow down your projects and team workflow? Does traditional “efficiency” leave a bad taste in your mouth too? Collaboration has lost its magic, its edge and its purpose. It’s time we take back the value that collaboration and teamwork were designed to have. Clarrus and L3C have joined forces to produce The 5 Elements: a self-paced, interactive, professional workshop.

Redefining Focus Channel

Welcome to the Redefining Focus Channel. We care about optimizing your physical, physiological, environmental, and emotional state so that YOU can make the most of YOUR time.

Produced by LMG Creative in collaboration with L3C Learning & Leadership's online workshops for Redefining. Learn more at our website and online learning platform.

Follow Our Story


Leonty3C (L3C) is a learning and leadership advisory. Our tailored workshop and speaking events are designed to optimize collaboration, projects, time, and leadership skills. Our live events are dynamic, effective, and practical, and we’ve worked with 25,000+ professionals over the last 20 years. We advocate for the human factor in project ecosystems.

Connect with us.

If you have a group workshop or talk you’d like us to design, let’s connect! And if you just wanna say hi, that’s great too! Come say hi.